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A Life of Wonder...The Lost Dream

I find it being no coincidence that I have run across a number of people questioning their passion and dreams for their life.  They have found themselves walking through a life of wonder.  The majority of them have worked hard to achieve degrees, careers or families but there's something missing.  Even in the midst of all the good taking place there seems to be a void.

I was walking through this with someone the other day and reverted back to an exercise during a teaching I heard. We were asked to close our eyes and think back when we were a kid.  We were then asked, "What did you dream of wanting to be?" We all sat in silence and tried to remember that specific dream, goal or achievement.  We all opened our eyes and went around the room calling out what that one thing was. Then we were told to close our eyes once more and find out, 1. Was it fulfilled, 2. If not what happened to snuff out our dream from taking place.

When I walked this person through the same exercise they were quickly able to realize their dream and when they stopped dreaming it. At 12 they wanted to play a sport and maybe be professional one day.  There the lie set in that dream was too big for them to accomplish and was told by a relative they should have a back-up plan.  See where the unraveling began. We picked a part the who, what, when, where and why's and walked through how to heal this place in their life. They realized every time they got to a certain point in any passion or dream in their life they would feel they could not achieve it.  It looked to impossible or was too difficult and they settled for their back-up.  Soon after this conversation the Father begin to show me there are so many of us in these same shoes.  We are walking around with this wonder of what could of been or should of been.  At some point in our lives a word was spoken over us or tragic took place and it was shut down. There was no more striving to reach "it," and we began to settle for plan b.

During this time of ministering and talking with others, they are aware they have accomplished much in their life. With one person they have worked themselves to the bone.  With another they have completed school and received a degree and now hold a great job.  They have families and love the Lord.  But there is this nagging tick that repeats itself daily, "This is all you will ever be."  They are consumed with the thoughts that they are just here to work a back breaking job, just be a wife or husband, just be a mom or dad, just answer phones, just ______, you fill in the blank.

All these things they have accomplished are good things, but there is a great gifting the Father has birthed in all of us to jump towards.  Whether it be serving, leading, mentoring or discipling.  Maybe you are passionate about teaching or writing a book.  When talking to these individuals they would get to a particular part in the journey of reaching said goal and because it gets to hard or unbelief sets in, they turn back.  I think we become afraid to believe we will actually reach the goal or better yet afraid to believe we never will.

I was reading in Hebrews 3 and it correlates with Psalms 95: 7-11.  The Israelite's were attempting to achieve their goal, that dream of entering the promise land.  But because it got laborious and the lie set in that they will never achieve their purpose or their destination, they took their eyes off of Him and reverted back to their old way of thinking of unbelief.  They turned a deaf ear to the Lord and refused to walk down His road, and because of this, in Hebrews 3: 6-11 He says, "They'll never get to where they're going, never be able to sit down and rest."  Why did this happen? Because they stopped pushing through the wilderness testing and picked up unbelief and decided that was a better fit.  Well we all know how it worked out for them.

My challenge for you today is this, go back to the place of where dreaming was easy.  Ask Him to remind you of what it was and why you stopped.  Maybe you never dreamed as a child.  Maybe you were never encouraged to.  Begin to ask the Father to reactive or birth a dream within you.  Don't walk through a life of wonder. Don't turn a deaf ear to what He's leading you into.  If it's unbelief that sets in, confess, repent and ask Holy Spirit to fill you with belief in His plan and purpose for your life.  There is great things He's wanting to call out of you.  He just needs you to get to a place where you can fully receive it and walk out in it with no resistance.  He's waiting for you to JUMP!

Father, I thank you for this word.  I pray those who read it and digest it, will put it into practice and it will not return void.  I pray if they are struggling with unbelief they are able to dig deep and find the root of where it stems from and become delivered in Jesus Name.  I pray you reactivate and birth in them a dream. I pray they step out into Your purpose for their life.  I pray from this moment on they stay Your course and hold fast to You no matter how difficult it is, in Jesus Name I pray these things. Amen.  
