When I think back on my life I can remember the times I quit something so early in the process, whether it be piano, dance, soccer and even school for that matter. I struggled at a very early age with fear. If something looked as though it was too difficult or I wouldn't be any good at it, I quit. I am reminded of jobs I would get and feel as though I just wasn't good enough or I would not be successful at it and I would leave and move on to the next. I struggled even when I started writing this blog back in Alabama a year ago. It has always been a dream of mine to write but I got stuck in my own fear of thinking it wasn't going to be good enough or effective enough or perfect, that I just stopped. It has been a very vicious cycle in my life. I went to a conference recently and out of the entire experience I was hit with something I believe will change the course of my life. "Do it afraid." I, for so long have feared the unknown an...