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Drop your net - Hold Fast to Him

Hebrews 10:23

Let us seize (forcibly) and hold (bearing down) tightly (securely) the confession (acknowledgment) of our hope without wavering (trembling), for He who promised (guaranteed) is reliable (dependable) and trustworthy (honorable) and faithful (consistent) [to His word];

I was trying to think of the best way to talk about what it means to "Hold Fast."  I have many stories of how we have held onto Him on this journey but honestly I didn't want to share them because they are so raw.  But "That Lord" showed me that is what it's all about.  I started this journey of writing not to make my name great or for people give praise to me or us but for it all to get turned back to Him.  My desire is to show you the goodness and faithfulness of the Father as we have experienced Him here.  

In being obedient to the call of the Father and going, like I said before we sold all that we had, left jobs and friends and family.  We arrived in Trussville Alabama with our family, the little bit we were able to keep and what we like to refer to as our "stock pile."  We left Texas July 27th and today it's November 3rd.  Needless to say that stock pile is disappeared.  My husband is working on building up his business here but that takes time.  So in the meantime we are living off of what I like to call "God's pay role."  I heard someone call it that the other day so I decided to use it too.  

I had a moment recently where I knew we had BIG plans coming up and certain things had to be bought and paid for and money played a huge part in that.  I paced the house claiming we would have what we needed but throughout that day reality kept hitting me in the face.  I would check the bank over and over seeing the same number in hopes it would miraculously change and it wasn't.  I kept telling the Lord, I know you called us here, and I know your word says you will not let the righteous beg for bread.  I know you will never leave us nor forsake us. I know you would not put on us more than we can bear. I know your promises are true and your word is yes and amen.  I know I need to HOLD FAST to you.  So where are you... the clock is ticking.  I kept reminding Him (like He needs us to do...not!!) what our reality was saying.  I was reminding Him of what we didn't have and what we needed to have.  As I have heard before I was praying specifically.  Then He spoke His perfect two cents that just shut the whole argument down.  (Argument meaning I was yelling at Him and He just sat there...haha.) 

He spoke to me that day and said, "I'm not realistic, I'm Sovereign."  Oh yes, He went there.  I began in that moment to change my way of praying to Him.  Instead of asking over and over and over regarding the specific need, I changed it to praying, "I pray Your kingdom come in the midst of our journey and that Your WILL be done here on earth as it is in heaven." I didn't know how He was going to show up and make it work but I prayed His will be done and not my own. Now I would love to say this changed my mood, this lit a fire up underneath me and I walked on faith the rest of the day.  I would be lying if I said that.  I did however change my mindset, but it was a struggle throughout the day.  Later on I received a phone call from my hubby who had just finished with working with a guy on a job.  I'm sitting there listening to his day and then came the goodness of the Lord.  David said, "I got a check today, and it will pay for what we are needing to get and we will be taken care of." WHAT!!  I'm sorry come again!!  Yes, I heard him right. The Father showed up just like that.  I struggled the whole day between my flesh and my spirit and He came through just in time.  

We have been faced with MANY of times like this, but it is just part of our journey of trusting.  We are ripping away the dependency of man and being taught how to FULLY depend on Him.  We are learning what it means to hold fast to His word because we know it will not return void.  When I look at what reality says in every situation, bank, job, house, one car, missing family and friends.  He shows us the why.  Our main goal here in Alabama and on this planet is to bring glory to the Lord.  It's not to put the spotlight on us nor is it to make our name great.  Our goal is to show you His sovereignty.  Our goal is to show you how to hang on to hope in Him. Our desire is that you see the goodness and faithfulness of Him and choose to dedicate your life to share that with others and bring glory back to Him with everything.  

He has asked us to deny ourselves.  Deny our wants and pick up His will.  I have learned it's not just certain people He asks this of.  He is asking this of all of us.  So I challenge you lay it down. Drop your nets just like He asked the disciples and follow Him.  There absolutely will be tough times.  There will be times where at the last second you have negative in your bank or a bill is needing to be paid and you have know clue how. You might very well miss your family and friends. People might think you are crazy and not understand.  But on that journey He has for you He will show up.  Hold tight to Him. Whatever He is asking of you do it.  If it's sell it all, give it away, move, stay, let people go, whatever it may be DO IT.  Drop your nets and hold fast to Him.  You can trust Him!!


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