I listened to a pod cast recently that basically read my inner most secrets and gently displayed them on a table for me to sift through like a junk drawer I was cleaning out. I felt as though the thoughts and feelings I had towards this particular issue were not really issues at all. I knew everyone has these feelings from time to time so it's just human nature and that's that. Wrong. I have multiple people in my life who have accomplished much or in my eyes have done great and big things. When I would talk to them whether by phone, face to face or social media I exuded with celebration. I told them how I was so proud, how I was cheering them on, or how awesome that was for them and their journey. If it was social media I liked or even loved a post. Then yesterday in the midst of my beautiful mess, my dialog with the Lord went like this: God: "Do you really feel that way?" Me: "What do you mean, why yes I celebrate them, of course I have on my happy pants ...